Photographs of landscapes on a train journey from Kerala to Baroda.

The Confessions Questionnaire

Your name/nickname.

Tito, most of my friends just call me Tito.

Current mood in one word.


What is your favourite dish?

Beef fry and parotta, I like many other dishes but most of the Keralites like this combination.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee – I drink it regularly while painting my works.

Favourite place you’ve travelled to and why?

Santiniketan in West Bengal, it’s a peaceful place for artists and art practitioners.

Favourite movie?

Modigliani (2004), Perfume the story of a murderer (2006), Egon Schiele: Death and the Maiden (2016), Ravening (2019).

Favourite book or poem and why?

Yakshi (Malayalam novel by Malayattoor Ramakrishnan), The Count of Monte Cristo (Novel by Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet).

Your Life Motto or favourite quote?

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

Or ‘what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”  (Bible – Mark 8:36-‬37)‬‬

What or who inspires you the most in life?

Ratheesh T (Indian Artist), Anselm Kiefer (German painter and sculptor), T Venkanna (Indian Artist).

A piece of advice you’d give to your younger self.

“Don’t get stuck inside a pond, go with the flow of river and reach the sea of art”

How do you escape a creative block?

I have never had an artist’s block yet, but producing regularly makes me tired and weak.

Do you have a favourite colour?

Black and Alizarin Crimson.

Favourite art tool?

8-inch big flat brush for washing the canvas

Is your studio messy or tidy?

Tidy, because I’ve developed OCD post-covid.

Why did you become an artist?

I never chose art as my career, but art selected me.

I became an artist accidentally.

What is the most challenging or exciting thing about being an artist?

The challenging part is keeping relationships, family, and friends while concentrating only on my work. Most of them can’t understand the feelings and ecstasies of an artist. The exciting part is when I finish a painting, the final output gives a kind of aesthetic orgasm.

Craziest artistic experiment you've tried.

Automatism, the results gave me goosebumps.

Funniest criticism you’ve received.

“Paint beautiful girls instead of your self-portraits”

Describe your style in three words.

Maya (illusion where things appear present, but are not what they seem).

I also think there are elements of surrealism in my work.

Most memorable artistic achievement.

Saved my father when he was in a critical health condition by using money which I got from my paintings.

Dream collaboration (with someone dead or alive)

Wish to see my works with the works of Frida Kahlo or with the big paintings of Anselm Kiefer.

If you could exhibit anywhere, where would it be?

Wish to exhibit in different countries like Japan, UK, Germany.



Here I’ve added some music which plays inside my studio, most of it has the power to balance the energy, some of it can increase the volume of sadness and it melts me like a wax candle. I play these songs inside my studio whilst working. I’m currently working on the theme of ‘death’ so I feel that this music can go with the flow of the work.