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Welcome to ITERARTE an art platform; a digital magazine, and gallery dedicated to advancing connections among contemporary artists, traditional artisans, and collectors.
We champion contemporary artists from Southern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and their diasporas—regions experiencing dynamic artistic evolution and cross-cultural dialogue.
ITERARTE’s name is inspired by the Latin word for journey (iter). A journey for both artist and collector. The aim is to guide the collector on their own journey of discovery, while showcasing the creative journey that each and every artist undertakes when making their work.
The Magazine
Recent Posts
Cultural Diplomacy and Artistic Dialogues: Exploring ‘Beneath the Gaze of the Palms’
Cultural Diplomacy and Artistic Dialogues: Expl... -
The Time is Now: How Artists Respond to the Idea of Time
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Cultural Crossroads: Stories of Exchange
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Colour Series Part IV: Purple
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On Embroidery & Motherhood with Iliodora Margellos